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clothes dryer

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Price: $25.00
Length: 53cm
Height: 38cm
Width: 23cm
Width Folded: 7cm
Price: $25.00
Length: 53cm
Height: 38cm
Width: 23cm
Width Folded: 7cm
Price: $6.00

Versatile hooks to hang and dry various items. The hooks on the clothes airer can be turned up or down.

Hang, loop, hook and dry

  • socks
  • smalls
  • hats
  • shoes
  • etc


Flexi clothes airer drying rack dimesions
Flexi clothes airer drying rack
Flexi clothes airer drying rack hooks
Flexi clothes airer drying rack folding portable

Flexible by name and flexible by design. This clothes airer easily caters for 1 load of washing with room spare. The drying rack includes loops. These loops are great for hanging socks and provide a perfect place for coat hangers. When turned over, the loops become hooks, which are just the thing for smalls. As with all Hanging Stuff products, the Flexi is lightweight, a very portable clothes airer with or without washing and can be folded when not in use.



Mini stainless steel clothes airer drying rack dimesions
Mini stainless steel clothes airer drying rack
Mini stainless steel potrable clothes airer drying rack hooks
Mini stainless steel clothes airer drying rack folding portable

Just need to dry a few things in front of the heater? The Mini clothes airer is for you. Sturdy, yet small, easy to fold, this indoor clothes airier is a great alternative to the clothes horse which can be awkward to erect and disassemble. Great for camping or caravanning, the Mini clothes airer is a great item to own due to its varied applications. The stainless steel Mini clothes airer provides extra stability in windy conditions. the stronger material means this model is less prone to impact damage.



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